Undeniably, there is no shortcut to ace web development. To accomplish this, a person must start with an in-depth understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Furthermore, it is also imperative to get acquainted with CSS and CSS frameworks. These essential web development skills will give your child the basis and familiarity with programming languages. Many providers of online web development course NZ, such as SkyHi Tech Academy, strive to educate aspiring kids with top-notch learning. This post will shed light on everything your child will learn as they embark on their journey in online programs. 

Discover Web Development Fundamentals  

There is no denying the fact that the online coding courses NZ are growing vigorously as they are immersive and concentrated on making your child ready for future endeavors as efficiently as possible.  

Aspiring kids will commence their web development course NZ with the fundamentals of web development, which include an understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  

  • HTML, also known as Hypertext Markup Language, provides the basic configuration of the website.  
  • CSS, also known as Cascading Style Sheets, confines the style and design of the website. It manages the site's representation, arrangement, and layout.   
  • JavaScript makes the site reactive. It is basically a programming language that controls the behavior of various features. For illustration, JavaScript adds interactivity to games, animations, and forms.  

Types of Web Development 

There are three web development types: Front-end, Back-end, and Full-Stack. As your child continues to enhance their skill set in the online coding courses NZ for web development, they must select one of these types as an area of specialization. Let's delve more into the types so that you can decide on what suits best for your child:  

Front-End Development:

It is responsible for the overall theme of the website, which includes the site's colors, type, images, icons, and appearance. Substantially, front-end development is responsible for the website's formation on all devices, whether a desktop, tablet, or phone. Generally, the programming languages taught in these online coding courses NZ include HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Aspiring kids will learn how to keep up with the advanced trends in web design and development to ensure the optimization of the website for users and search engines.  

Front end development

Back-End Development:

It includes everything that operates the website behind the scenes, which means it works on the "server side" of web development. It concentrates on the site's functioning, including databases, networks, hosting, servers, etc.  

back end development

Full-Stack Development:

It incorporates both front-end and back-end knowledge. Furthermore, in this web development course NZ, kids will learn enhanced programming languages and blockchain to strengthen the website.  

Various Projects to Develop Your Skills  

Once your child has grasped all the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and a basis of programming skills, they are all set to commence development. As your child continues with the web development for kids course NZ, they will gain practical experience via projects under the guidance of skilled educators. Furthermore, they will also learn some technical skills like programming in SQL or Python. After all, the more kids perform their learning practically, the better they will be.  


In the above blog, we have mentioned everything that online programs for web development offer, and how it will transform a beginner into pro. Undoubtedly, online coding programs are the best and most preferred way of mastering web development. Nevertheless, once you are fully acquainted with what the course offers, you can rest assured that you have made the right choice!